Helmholtz Day of Teratronics

At the Helmholtz Day of Teratronics four renowned scientists in the field of teratronics gave a speech on current topics of their research area. Additionally, the HIRST PhD students presented their projects in a speed poster presentation.

The Helmholtz Day of Teratronics took place on Friday, March 7, 2014, in the HECTOR Auditorium. Click here to see the flyer.


KIT Campus South
International Department GmbH
HECTOR Auditorium 02.95
Schlossplatz 19 | 76131 Karlsruhe

  •  9.00 a.m.
  •  9.15 a.m.




Welcome and introduction:

Prof. Dr. Christian Koos

Institute of Photonics and
Quantum Electronics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  •  9.30 a.m.




Key Note:

New Approaches towards THz Electronics – from Heterointegration to Plasmonics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Heinrich

Ferdinand Braun Institut

  •  10.30 a.m.




Scientific Talk I:

Active Integrated Circuits for Terahertz Communication

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingmar Kallfass

Institute of Robust Power Semiconductor Systems, University of Stuttgart 

  •  11.30 a.m.

Coffee break

  •  11.45 a.m.



Speed Poster Presentation:

HIRST PhD students

  •  12.45 a.m.

Lunch break

  •  2.00 p.m.

Poster Session & coffee break

  •  3.00 p.m.




Scientific Talk II:

New Developments in MM-Wave and Thz; Markets, Technologies and Measurements

Henri Komrij

General Manager, Performance Network Analyzers

Agilent Technologies Component Test Division, USA

  •  4.00 p.m.





Prof. Dr. Christian Koos