Helmholtz International Research School for Teratronics

PhD Training Concept

The Helmholtz International Research School for Teratronics conveys key competences in regard to technological knowhow within the field of Teratronics, as well as in management qualification.
In addition to working on your doctoral thesis, further qualification is achieved by participating in two technical modules like Basics of analog and digital electronics or LabView, one management module like International Project Management or Human Resources and at least one internationally renowned conference.


Every doctoral candidate is assisted by two professors supervising his/her work. In addition, each graduate is assigned a non-faculty member of the university as a mentor who regularly meets the PhD student and supports in all sorts of difficulties.


The benefit of the PhD Training concept of HIRST is also to create a network platform. Through seminars and symposia, students connect with other PhD students as well as with professors and industry. On top, PhD students learn to present their research results in front of an audience. Thereby, the students achieve presentation skills and the attendees gain further knowledge about topics that are possibly related to their own.
Furthermore, symposia are offered regularly, e.g. the Helmholtz Days for Teratronics or the Karlsruhe Days of Optics & Photonics by KSOP.